Getting Started

Feature Request: Viewing Token Usage

Written by
ScreenApp Team
Updated on
June 13, 2024


As a user, having visibility into your token usage can be valuable for understanding your account activity and optimizing your usage. This feature request aims to introduce a dashboard or tool that allows users to track and monitor their token consumption.

Benefits of Token Usage Visibility

  • Account Management: Users can better manage their account and avoid unexpected charges by monitoring token consumption.
  • Usage Optimization: Understanding token usage patterns can help users optimize their usage and potentially reduce costs.
  • Planning and Budgeting: For users with limited token allowances, tracking usage can aid in planning and budgeting for future needs.

Proposed Features

  • Token Usage Dashboard: A dedicated dashboard that displays a user's token consumption over time.
  • Detailed Breakdown: The dashboard should provide a breakdown of token usage by feature or activity (e.g., recording, editing, sharing).
  • Visualizations: Graphs or charts to visualize token usage patterns and trends.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Users can set up alerts or notifications to be notified when their token usage reaches a certain threshold.

Implementation Considerations

  • Data Privacy: Ensure that token usage data is handled securely and in compliance with privacy regulations.
  • User Interface: Design a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand.
  • Integration with Existing Features: Consider integrating token usage tracking with other features within, such as account settings or billing information.


The ability to view token usage would be a valuable addition to, providing users with greater transparency and control over their account activity. By implementing this feature, can enhance user satisfaction and foster a more positive user experience.